Northfield Announcement:

Andrew Murray at 1895 Northfield Bible Conference

Ever since Christian literature was enriched over three years ago by the publication of that very helpful book on fellowship with the Son of God, Abide in Christ, the name of Rev. Andrew Murray of South Africa has been a synonym for practical scriptural teaching of the most spiritual kind and, as similar books, one after another, have come from the same pen, they have been sought and read to the spiritual profit of many. Men and women all over the world have thus been receiving spiritual light from the dark continent. All who are even slightly acquainted with Mr. Murray's writings, Abide In Christ, Like Christ, With Christ In The School of Prayer, etc., will learn with pleasure of his anticipated visit to America to be present at the Northfield General Bible conference, August 3-13, [1895].

Mr. Murray has spent forty-seven years In the ministry in South Africa, most of which time he has been pastor of the Dutch Reformed church at Wellington. Of Scotch ancestry, his father and four brothers in the Christian ministry and four sisters, wives of clergymen, indicate what his early training and surroundings must have been. The influence which he exerted in his first pastorate In Orange Free State is still felt and the memory of his life and work there is still cherished. Throughout South Africa he has been for many years well known and earnestly sought after as one highly honored of God in bringing times of refreshing and rich harvests of souls wherever he has labored. He has been three times moderator of the Synod of South Africa; twenty years ago he founded Wellington Huguenot seminary for young ladies, the mother of several similar Institutions; he has opened a seminary for the training of missionaries and is at present the president of the Cape General Mission of South Africa. Of later years one-half of his time has been given to evangelistic work. He is a wise counselor and has a remarkable gift in winning the confidence and esteem of men.

His power in preaching and writing is doubtless due to the fact that from the first his aim has been to “know nothing save Jesus Christ and him crucified.” Abide in Christ and Mr. Murray’s other works, especially his latest, The Holiest of all, which is an exposition  of the epistle to the Hebrews, shows a keen insight into sacred truth. They show also an extended knowledge of fellowship with Christ and set forth the teachings of scripture with true spiritual earnestness and simplicity.

As a speaker Mr. Murray is pleasing and powerful. His words carry conviction, and one never hears him without being stirred in the depths of his soul and being, made to feel as if he was only beginning the Christian life and has yet to learn full trust and consecration. Like other teachers admired and beloved at Keswick his aim is always to uplift professing Christians to a higher plane of spiritual life and service.

Those who are privileged to attend the Northfield conference this year may well count themselves favored in this unexpected opportunity to hear this prince of Christian writers.

Taken from the Vermont Phoenix (Brattleboro, VT), August 2, 1895