Experiencing God 6: Breathe on Me, Breath of God

John 20:22 "And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost"

[A Compilation]

“Every true prayer originates with God.  Every true prayer is brought from the heart of God by the Holy Spirit to the heart of man.  Every true prayer, thus originated by God and conveyed to the heart of man, when offered in the only true way in the name of Jesus, is carried back to God by the Holy Spirit."—Charles Trumbull,  I Cried He Answered 

“The Spirit of God has much to do with acceptable prayer.  He softens the heart; He enlightens the mind, enabling it to discern its own wants; He quickens our desires, causing us to hunger and thirst after righteousness; He intercedes in behalf of the sincere suppliant.  ‘The Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought; but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.  And He that searcheth the heart knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God’ (Rom. 8:26).”—Ellen White,  Manuscript Releases Vol 8  p 195

“Christ, our Mediator, and the Holy Spirit are constantly interceding in man’s behalf, but the Spirit pleads not for us as does Christ, who presents His blood, shed from the foundation of the world; the Spirit works upon our hearts, drawing out prayers and penitence, praise and thanksgiving.  The gratitude which flows from our lips is the result of the Spirit striking the cords of the soul in holy memories, awakening the music of the heart.”  Ellen White, Bible Commentary Vol 6, p 1077

“We do not know how to pray as we ought but the Holy Spirit does know.  Indwelling and infilling us He reveals to us our need, suggests the objects of prayer, sifts and tests our motives, purifies our desires, stiffens our faith and stimulates our hope and expectation of an answer.”—Ruth Paxson, Life on Highest Plane, p 412

“The clearer the insight into this great purpose of God, the more will the need be felt to enter very truly into God’s presence in a spirit of humble worship and holy adoration.  The more we thus take time to abide in God’s presence, to enter fully into His mind and will, to get our whole soul possessed by the thought of His glorious purposes, the stronger will our faith become that God will Himself work out all the good pleasure of His will through our prayers.  As the glory of God shines upon us, we shall become conscious of the depths of our helplessness and so rise up into the faith that believes that God will do above all that we can ask or think.”—Andrew Murray, The Secret of Adoration, p 16, 17

“Oh that we knew better how to pray in the Holy Ghost, and to rely absolutely upon Him for utterance?  What wonders would be wrought in the Church in answer to our prayers!  He knows the kind of prayer that will prevail with our Heavenly Father.  He knows the kind of prayer that will bring about a worldwide revival.  His eyes still run to and fro in the earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are perfect toward Him....  ‘We ask for toys when we should ask for continents, and be claiming the world for Christ.’ ....  If the Church fully realized the power of this grace...nothing would be impossible to her, because she would possess the key of Heaven’s unspeakable treasures, and would be mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.”—T Payne, The Power of Intensified Prayer

“The Christian Church has plant, and organization, and money, and learning, and much besides; but all this can be of no avail if she lacks Pentecostal power.  We have banked more on prestige than on prayer; we have organized more than we have agonized; we have allowed ritual to obscure reality; we have thought more of conferences than of consecration; in short, we have displaced the Holy Spirit, and it is high time that we recognized the cause of our spiritual stringency."—W. Graham Scroggie, “The Abounding Life” a sermon given at Keswick in 1933.  Keswick’s Authentic Voice, p 513

“These words are all-sufficient evidence that God desires us to receive great blessings.  His promises are so clearly stated that there is no cause for uncertainty.  He desires us to take Him at His word.  At times we shall be in great perplexity and not know just what to do.  But at such times it is our privilege to take our Bibles, and read the messages He has given us; and then get down on our knees, and ask Him to help us.  Over and over again He has given evidence that He is a prayer-hearing and prayer-answering God.  He fulfills His promises in far greater measure than we expect to receive help.”—Ellen White  Paulson Collection  p 174

“Those who follow inclination and judge from appearances, are not good judges of what God is doing.  They are filled with discontent.  They see failure where there is indeed triumph, a great loss where there is only gain.”—Ellen White  Review & Herald, April 17, 1894

“I testify to those who love and serve God, that we miss very much because we do not grasp the blessings that may be ours in afflictions.  All our suffering and sorrows, all our temptations and trials, all our sadness and griefs, all our persecutions and privations, and in short all things, work together for our good.  All experiences and circumstances are God’s workmen whereby good is brought to us.”—Ellen White,  Review & Herald, February 27, 1894

“All that has perplexed us in the providences of God, will in the world to come be made plain.  The things hard to be understood will then find explanation.  The mysteries of grace will unfold before us.  Where our finite minds discovered only confusion and broken promises, we shall see the most perfect and beautiful harmony.  We shall know that infinite love ordered the experiences that seemed most trying.  As we realize the tender care of Him who makes all things work together for good, we shall rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.”—Ellen White  Testimonies Vol 9  p 286

“Our heavenly Father sees the hearts of men, and he knows their characters better than they do themselves.  He sees that some have capabilities which are not directed in the right way, but that if they could be turned into the right channel, they would bring glory to his name by advancing the cause of truth in the world.  He places these persons on trial, and in his wise providence brings them into different positions, into a variety of circumstances, where they are tested in order that they may reveal what is in their hearts and make manifest the weak points of their characters, which have been hidden from their own eyes.  God gives them opportunities to correct these defects, to polish off the rough corners of their natures, and to fit themselves for his service.  If they do this work, then when he calls them into active service, they are ready so that the angels of heaven cooperate with them in their labors, and the purpose is fulfilled for which God called them to his service.”—Ellen White, Review & Herald  April 10, 1894

“God knows exactly what is best for me.  Therefore, every event which comes into my life after surrender, however inexplicable, and hard to endure, I am to patiently submit to as the very thing which God deems best for my purification, strengthening, and growth in the Christian life.  The present circumstance which presses so hard against you (if surrendered to Christ) is the best shaped tool in the Father’s hand to chisel you for eternity.  Trust Him then.  Do not push away the instrument, lest you lose also its work.”—James McConkey, The Surrendered Life, p 66

“‘But how will I remain in this blessed state (of trusting)?’  Jesus will see to that.  Trust Him to keep you trusting.  At first it may be an effort to keep yourself in the love of God, but it will become easier until at last it is a second nature.  Then you will think more of what He says to you than of what you say to Him.  Then you will be always on the alert to catch the least whisper of His voice, the slightest token of His will.  Then you will bring every plan and purpose into the King’s weighing house before putting them in action, of even submitting them to your dearest friend.  Then you will always feel that you are a member of His body, depending for the least direction and for all needed strength on Him, the Head.  Then there will be ever on your lips the words, ‘What next, dear Lord, what next?’  And you will read His will in circumstances that to others might seem trivial and devoid of meaning.  You will always be on the alert to find out for each day what good works have been prepared by Him for you.  All that happens to you will be as couriers bringing the secret letters of His love, signed by His hand and telling you what to do.  Nothing will seem to come amiss or by chance.  In all things you will have definite fellowship with Him until you talk over with Him all your life.  You will abide in Him and He in you, and out of that abiding union will come abiding power, because His power will reside in you in all its glory.”—F B Meyer, Some Secrets of Christian Living, p 81