Prevailing Prayer Recollections

Charles Finney

“The theme on which he most constantly dwelt was the baptism of the Holy Ghost. In season and out of season he was always urging believers to be filled with the Spirit, as the only preparation that would fit them for saving souls, that without it they were powerless, that with it nothing was too hard for God to do through them. This was the main track with him, he did not go off on side issues, believing if we had this all other things would follow.’ “Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.” “When He is come he will guide you in to all truth.” He taught also the necessity of frequent annointings and deep heart searching as a preparation, hence his prayer, “Lord give us an overhauling.” He attributed his success in the soul saving largely to the fact that he had always been favored with helpers who knew how to pray. There were those in Oberlin who stayed at home when he preached and “held on” for him as they termed it. Discussing on wrestling Jacob he once said. “If Jacob had had a prayer book what under heaven would he have done with it?” He declared he would rather have a person of no education to help him in his work if he knew how to prevail in prayer, than a highly educated person who did not. Prevailing prayer that takes hold on God not only asks but receives the witness that the answer will come. This was the watchword in the early days of Oberlin." From Personal Recollections